Topical Insights

Topical Insights August #1

Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan was announced as Mitt Romney’s running mate. And then Chris Christie ate him. Many voters approve of Paul Ryan’s tight fiscal principles. Those who don’t like it…anyone who’s with him when the bar tab comes. Paul Ryan is known for leading other congressmen in P-90-X classes. Read more…

Topical Insights

Topical Insights September #2

Chicago Mayor Richard Daley stunned everyone when he announced he will not run for re-election. He cited his wife’s cancer as a primary reason, but also noted his interest in showing the Cubs that there’s no shame in quitting early. A pastor at a Florida church is encouraging his congregation Read more…

Topical Insights

Topical Insights August #3

The last U.S. combat brigade left Iraq this week. The country apparently is indeed becoming Americanized — U.S. troops left after four douchey bouncers walked around yelling, “Let’s go! Drink ‘em up! You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here! Make your way to the exits, people!” Read more…