Topical Insights August #3

The last U.S. combat brigade left Iraq this week. The country apparently is indeed becoming Americanized — U.S. troops left after four douchey bouncers walked around yelling, “Let’s go! Drink ‘em up! You don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here! Make your way to the exits, people!” Read more…

Seeing Sunspots

Summer will be over in a couple of months. And not a moment too soon. It feels like Earth has a GPS system, and someone programmed its destination to be the center of the sun. Let’s do some recalculating! I bet Al Gore didn’t grope that masseuse, but rather grabbed Read more…

Topical Insights July #3

Wrongfully-ousted government employee Shirley Sherrod said she needs more time to think about the President’s new job offer. This time, however, Obama plans to watch the whole tape before deciphering what she means by that. Unemployment benefits were finally renewed. That’s good news for anyone who gets cut from Southern Read more…