Topical Insights

Topical Insights August #1

Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan was announced as Mitt Romney’s running mate. And then Chris Christie ate him. Many voters approve of Paul Ryan’s tight fiscal principles. Those who don’t like it…anyone who’s with him when the bar tab comes. Paul Ryan is known for leading other congressmen in P-90-X classes. Read more…

Topical Insights

Topical Jokes #2

Mitt Romney on Thursday apologized for “dumb things” he did in high school, after it was reported that he would bully other students. So perhaps karma can explain that the guy who used to give wedgies now looks like he always has one. The Avengers movie broke the record for Read more…

Topical Insights

Topical Insights August #2

The NFL returned to the field this weekend. Either that or all the grunting and hard-hitting was from another Republican debate. Viewers said that while watching the Republican debate, they got such a splitting migraine, they can now sympathize with Michelle Bachman. Michelle Bachman won the Iowa straw poll. She Read more…