Topical Insights October #1

President Obama on Monday criticized the Republican “Pledge to America,” saying that it is “not a serious approach.” Republicans responded by renaming it “The New and Improved, Lemon-Scented Pledge to America”. After initially objecting to her religious head covering, Disneyland has agreed to allow a Muslim employee at its California Read more…

Topical Insights September #4

It was recently revealed that Tea Party member Christine O’Donnell, the Republican candidate for Senate in Delaware, admitted in the 1990s that she once “dabbled in witchcraft”. Only back then they called it, “home remedies without health insurance”. A woman in Louisiana last week stripped naked and stole a taxi Read more…

Topical Insights Sept #3

President Obama said his administration is in a “wrestling match” with Republicans in Congress. Then, as if finally getting permission, John Boehner slammed a steel chair over Nancy Pelosi’s head. The minister in Gainesville, FL who threatened to burn Qurans on 9/11 called off the service. Now the controversy is Read more…