This year’s Super Bowl will be between the Seattle Seahawks and the Visitors Bureau of Omaha.

Donald Trump said this week that Chris Christie is “one email away from a disaster,” explaining later that he calls Twinkies “emails”.

An 18 year-old high school student in Florida, who was suspended after school officials learned that he was starring in adult films, has been allowed to return to classes. At least he will be after his teachers order a pizza.

A new trend among middle school children is crushing up and then snorting the candy “Smarties”. Judging by recent test scores, their dealers have some explaining to do.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie on Tuesday was sworn in to his second term, but as expected, his inauguration reception was overshadowed by a giant blizzard [image: Gov Christie holding a Dairy Queen “Blizzard”]

Kraft is recalling its Velveeta Cheesy Skillets Singles Cheeseburger Mac meal for failing to identify soy as an ingredient. Which experts say is the food equivalent of busting Al Capone for tax evasion.

The White House announced this week that President Obama will meet with Pope Francis at the Vatican in March, because not pissing off Fox News is what the Pope plans to give up for Lent.

According to new federal statistics, the birth rate in the US has hit a historical low, a statistic that has yet to reach your local Wal-Mart.