A man in Argentina was surprised to discover that the toy poodles he bought from an outdoor market were actually ferrets that were given steroids to appear bigger. He became suspicious when he told them to fetch and instead, they won seven Tour de Frances.

A prop phaser rifle once used by Captain Kirk on the original Star Trek series was auctioned for more than 230,000 dollars. Or as the buyer called it, “half a million weekly allowances”.

Mattel is being criticized as racist for a new Barbie doll called “Mexico Barbie,” which comes with a Chihuahua and a passport. Even more troubling, Mexico Ken is called “The Mule”.

Target has been forced to rename one of its sandals after it was discovered that its name “Orina,” means “urine” in Spanish. Meanwhile, Wal-Mart will keep the name for its sandals: “Dos Crappos”.

A Japanese man has invented a coat that he says helps fight loneliness by allowing the user to tighten its belt so they feel like they are being hugged. It’s specially designed for people who have no idea what a hug feels like.

A woman in Tennessee was arrested after she allegedly performed a sex act on a man in exchange for a better deal on a car she was buying from him. Even more disturbing, the judge set bail at $1,000 “or best offer”.

A Florida man was arrested after he allegedly exposed himself at a Burger King then defecated on the sidewalk. Which explains why the slogan “Have it Your Way” now comes with an asterisk.

The United States Postal Service this week said that it would delay its plans to stop Saturday mail delivery. After all, if the Postal Service does one thing well, it’s delaying stuff.

A five year-old Ohio boy was sent home from kindergarten because school officials thought his Mohawk haircut was distracting to other students. Ohio: where schools would rather suspend a student than give him a hat.

According to researchers, one of the first recorded uses of the phrase “O.M.G.” was in a 1917 wartime letter to Winston Churchill, whose reply, as expected, became the origin of “WTF”.