It was revealed earlier this week that Beyonce lip-synced her performance at the Inauguration, convincing the White House to hire her as Joe Biden’s public speaking coach.

Aviation experts say that by the end of 2013 Beijing Capital International Airport in China will be the busiest in the world. Just as long as pilots can find it through smog.

Chase and PNC are both releasing new ATMs that can dispense 1 dollar bills and coins, as well as tissues to wipe away those tears.

Legislation is being proposed in Russia that would define public displays of affection between gay people as “illegal homosexual propaganda” and would result in a 16,000 dollar fine, which they say can be paid by check or a stack of 3-dollar bills.

Animal control officials in Ohio seized more than 300 animals from a man’s home, including pigeons, chickens and rabbits. Asked to comment, the man said, “Ta-da!!”

A new report shows that the healthiest state in the country is Vermont. Which explains their new slogan: “Vermont: West Virginian’s antidote.”

Video game maker Atari this week filed for bankruptcy protection. Which means when a creditor comes, a gorilla throws barrels at him.

A rare porcelain doll of Oprah Winfrey was stolen from an elderly couple’s home in Maine. Just when you thought Stephen King was out of ideas.

A growing number of men in Edmonton, Canada are taking mens-only naked yoga class. Canada’s new export: disturbing visuals.

A couple in Boston has decorated their bedroom by gluing pennies all over the entire floor. Meanwhile, they have 200 square feet of carpeting between their sofa cushions.